@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: es @Participants: I13 Participant, SMP Investigator @ID: es|splloc2|I13||female||Year10|Participant|| @ID: es|splloc2|SMP||female|||Investigator|| @Date: 09-JUN-2009 @Location: MS @Situation: Guided Interview @Transcriber: TIG @Time Duration: 00:10:00 *SMP: [^ eng: which one do you want to speak about first] ? *I13: [^ eng: I'll do] . *SMP: ok muy bien . *SMP: quién es William Shakespeare ? *I13: William Shakespeare es un famosa writer@s:d [//] escri(xx) [//] +/. %mor: n:prop|William n:prop|Shakespeare vpres|se-3S&PRES=be det:art|un&MASC=one adj|famoso-FEM=famous +/. *SMP: escritor . *I13: +, escritor@g y (.) . %mor: imit|escritor conj|y=and . *SMP: por qué es famoso ? *I13: porque (.) +/. %mor: conj|porque=because +/. *I13: [^ eng: what's his] ? *SMP: sus . *I13: +, sus@g (.) libros [/] libros (.) son muy [/] muy bien y (.) um +/. %mor: imit|sus n|libro-PL&MASC=book vpres|se-3P&PRES=be adv|muy=very adv|bien=well conj|y=and co|um +/. *SMP: cómo era su personalidad ? *I13: um (.) . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: do you know anything about his personality] ? *I13: [^ eng: William Shakespeare was very clever] +/. %mor: +/. *I13: [^ eng: so what's clever] ? *SMP: [^ eng: clever is listo] . *I13: +, muy listo@g +/. %mor: adv|muy=very imit|listo +/. *I13: [^ eng: I don't know what else about his personality] . *SMP: [^ eng: that's great okay fantastic] . *SMP: quién es la princesa de Gales ? *SMP: quién era ? *I13: princess@s:d de Gales she@s:pro [/] she@s:pro +/. %mor: L1|princess prep|de=of n:prop|Gales L1|she +/. *I13: [^ eng: how do you say died] ? *SMP: [^ eng: to die is] morir . *I13: +, princesa de Gales mur(ió) [//] moría en el co(xx) [//] coche a@s:det crash@s:d +/. %mor: n|princesa&FEM=princess prep|de=of n:prop|Gales vpas|mori-13S&PAS=die prep|en=in det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|coche&MASC=car L1|a L1|crash +/. *I13: [^ eng: how do you say crash] ? *SMP: [^ eng: crash well we might say accidente] . *I13: +, accidente@g (.) . %mor: imit|accidente . *SMP: qué pasó [/] qué pasó ? *SMP: [^ eng: do you know what happened] ? *I13: was@s:v +/. %mor: L1|was +/. *SMP: [^ eng: in Spanish] . %com: [laugh] *I13: [^ eng: how do you say she was] ? *SMP: [^ eng: she is ella and to be is ser or estar] . *I13: +, está en el coche crash@s:d y (.) . %mor: vpres|esta-3S&PRES=be prep|en=in det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|coche&MASC=car L1|crash conj|y=and . *SMP: [^ eng: it's ok] . *I13: [^ eng: it was someone else driving] . *SMP: el chofer . *I13: el chofer@g . %mor: det:art|el&MASC&SG=the imit|chofer . *SMP: muy bien cómo era su personalidad ? *I13: está muy simpática y (.) muy famosa y (.) +/. %mor: vpres|esta-3S&PRES=be adv|muy=very adj|simpático-FEM=congenial conj|y=and adv|muy=very adj|famoso-FEM=famous conj|y=and +/. *I13: [^ eng: how do you say lots of people liked her] ? *SMP: mucha gente [^ eng: lots of people and to like something is] gustar . *I13: +, mucha@g [/] mucha@g gente@g gusta princesa de Gales . %mor: imit|mucha imit|gente vpres|gusta-3S&PRES=like n|princesa&FEM=princess prep|de=of n:prop|Gales . *SMP: muy bien . *SMP: [^ eng: okay let's go to the next one then] . *SMP: quién es Albert Einstein ? *I13: Albert Einstein es un famosa cienci(xx) [//] +/. %mor: n:prop|Albert n:prop|Einstein vpres|se-3S&PRES=be det:art|un&MASC=one adj|famoso-FEM=famous +/. *SMP: científico . *I13: +, científico@g y . %mor: imit|científico conj|y=and . *I13: está muy list(o) +/. %mor: vpres|esta-3S&PRES=be adv|muy=very adj|listo-MASC=ready +/. *I13: is@s:v it@s:pro listo ? %mor: L1|is L1|it adj|listo-MASC=ready ? *SMP: ehm listo inteligente . *I13: +, (.) está (.) +/. %mor: vpres|esta-3S&PRES=be +/. *SMP: de dónde era [^ eng: do you know] ? *I13: [^ eng: is it what year kind of how long ago] ? *SMP: no . *SMP: [^ eng: where was he from do you remember] ? *SMP: [^ eng: it's okay if you can't] . *I13: [^ eng: no I don't] um (.) . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: anything else about him] ? *SMP: ganó un premio ? *SMP: [^ eng: did he win a prize or something] ? *I13: sí (.) +/. %mor: co|sí=yes +/. *I13: [^ eng: I don't know which one it was] . *I13: [^ eng: I know that he did win a prize but I don't know what] . *SMP: [^ eng: it's okay let's go to the next one] . *I13: Guy Fawkes ser [/] un ser (.) . %mor: n:prop|Guy n:prop|Fawkes det:art|un&MASC=one vinf|se-INF=be . *I13: [^ eng: kind of a bad person like a bit of a criminal] +/. %mor: +/. *SMP: un criminal . *I13: +, un@g criminal@g y um (.) +/. %mor: imit|un imit|criminal conj|y=and co|um +/. *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *I13: [^ eng: kind of he wanted to blow up] . *SMP: [^ eng: ehm to blow up is volar something] . *I13: +, volar@g el parliament@s:d +/. %mor: imit|volar det:art|el&MASC&SG=the L1|parliament +/. *I13: [^ eng: is it ] parlamente@n ? %mor: neo|parlamente ? *SMP: ehm el parlamento . *I13: +, el parlamento@g y (.) . %mor: det:art|el&MASC&SG=the imit|parlamento conj|y=and . *I13: [^ eng: we remember him] (.) +/. %mor: +/. *SMP: [^ eng: to remember is] recordar . *I13: +, recordar@g por qué es muy famosa y (.) . %mor: imit|recordar prep|por=for pro:int|qué=what vpres|se-3S&PRES=be adv|muy=very adj|famoso-FEM=famous conj|y=and . *I13: cela(xx) [//] celebrate@s:v +/. %mor: L1|celebrate +/. *SMP: celebrar [^ eng: that's to celebrate] . *I13: +, celebrar@g (.) Bonfire Night . %mor: imit|celebrar n:prop|Bonfire n:prop|Night . *SMP: [^ eng: yeah I know okay brilliant last one] . *SMP: Winston Churchill qué sabes de Winston Churchill ? *I13: Winston Churchill está un famosa prime@s:a min(ister)@s:d +/. %mor: n:prop|Winston n:prop|Churchill vpres|esta-3S&PRES=be det:art|un&MASC=one adj|famoso-FEM=famous L1|prime L1|minister +/. *I13: [^ eng: what's the prime minister] ? *SMP: presidente . *I13: +, presidente@g de Inglaterra durante World@s:d War@s:d +/. %mor: imit|presidente prep|de=of n:prop|Inglaterra adv|durante=during n:prop|World n:prop|War +/. *SMP: ehm la guerra mundial . %com: [pause] *SMP: [^ eng: anything else about him] ? *I13: no . %mor: adv|no=no . *SMP: [^ eng: it's okay] . *SMP: ahora vamos a hablar de tu vida sí ? *I13: sí . %mor: co|sí=yes . *SMP: qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado ? *I13: el fin de semana pasado voy a visitar Name con mi amigas y (.) +/. %mor: det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|fin&MASC=end prep|de=of n|semana&FEM=week n|pasado&MASC=past vpres|i-1S&PRES=go prep|a=to vinf|visita-INF=visit n:prop|Name prep|con=with det:pos|mi=my n|amigo-FEM-PL=friend conj|y=and +/. *I13: [^ eng: what's shopping] ? *SMP: comprar . *I13: +, y [/] (.) y comprar y beber (.) +/. %mor: conj|y=and vinf|compra-INF=buy conj|y=and vinf|bebe-INF=drink +/. *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *I13: +, chocola(xx) [//] (.) +/. %mor: +/. *SMP: chocolate . *I13: +, chocolate@g en el café . %mor: imit|chocolate prep|en=in det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|café&MASC=coffee . *SMP: muy bien . *SMP: [^ eng: do you wanna tell me any memories] +... *I13: [^ eng: yeah this one] . *I13: mi primer recuerdo es (.) [/] (.) +/. %mor: det:pos|mi=my num|primer=first n|recuerdo&MASC=memory vpres|se-3S&PRES=be +/. *SMP: [^ eng: sorry yeah we have to finish I think] . *I13: +, una playa con mi familia y . %mor: det:art|un-FEM=one n|playa&FEM=beach prep|con=with det:pos|mi=my n|familia&FEM=family conj|y=and . *I13: están muy demasiado +/. %mor: vpres|esta-3P&PRES=be adv|muy=very adj|demasiado-MASC=excessive +/. *I13: no . %mor: adv|no=no . *I13: +, divertido . %mor: adj|divertido-MASC=funny . *SMP: divertido . *SMP: [^ eng: so it's a nice memory then] . @End