@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: es @Participants: C17 Participant, SMP Investigator @ID: es|splloc2|C17||female||Year10|Participant|| @ID: es|splloc2|SMP||female|||Investigator|| @Date: 23-JUN-2009 @Location: MS @Situation: Cat Story @Transcriber: ART @Time Duration: 00:13:58 *SMP: [^ eng: seventeen] . *SMP: cuéntame la historia . *C17: todas la mañanas eran iguales [*] . %mor: det:indef|todo-FEM-PL=all det:art|el&FEM&SG=the n|mañana-PL&FEM=morning vpas|se-3P&PAS=be adj|igual-PL=equal . %err: igualas = iguales *C17: um Natalia lir [: leer] [*] (.) to@s:pre el juguetes [*] y (.) . %mor: co|um n:prop|Natalia vinf|lee-INF=read L1|to det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|juguete-PL&MASC=toy conj|y=and . %err: jugantes = juguetes *C17: pintar el +/. %mor: vinf|pinta-INF=paint det:art|el&MASC&SG=the +/. *C17: what's@s:a ? %mor: L1|what's ? *C17: +, cuaran@n [//] +/. %mor: +/. *SMP: cuadro . *C17: +, cuadro@g . %mor: imit|cuadro . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: um (.) construir el (.) +/. %mor: co|um vinf|construi-INF=construct det:art|el&MASC&SG=the +/. *C17: [^ eng: how do you say house] ? *SMP: casa . *C17: casa@g . %mor: imit|casa . *C17: um (.) salir y (.) um (.) . %mor: co|um vinf|sali-INF=leave conj|y=and co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: to play with his friend a friend] . *SMP: [^ eng: to play is] jugar . *C17: jugar (.) al +/. %mor: vinf|juga-INF=play prep|a~det|el&MASC=to +/. *C17: [^ eng: a friend] . %com: [whispers] *C17: [^ eng: how would you say to play with his friends her friends] . *SMP: [^ eng: a friend is un amigo] . *C17: un amigo . %mor: det:art|un&MASC=one n|amigo-MASC=friend . *C17: um so@s:a . %mor: co|um L1|so . *C17: +, jugar um un amigo um (.) . %mor: vinf|juga-INF=play co|um det:art|un&MASC=one n|amigo-MASC=friend co|um . *C17: jugar on@s:prep (.) +/. %mor: vinf|juga-INF=play L1|on +/. *SMP: un columpio . *C17: un columpio [*] . %mor: det:art|un&MASC=one n|columpio&MASC=swing . %err: coluvia = columpia *SMP: columpios . *SMP: [^ eng: yeah that's right] . *C17: y Pancho um (.) +/. %mor: conj|y=and n:prop|Pancho co|um +/. *C17: [^ eng: I forgot how to say to sleep again] . *SMP: [^ eng: to sleep is] dormir . *C17: +, dormir y . %mor: vinf|dormi-INF=sleep conj|y=and . *C17: Pancho (.) salir el gatero y . %mor: n:prop|Pancho vinf|sali-INF=leave det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|gatero&MASC=cat_flap conj|y=and . *C17: escalar el (.) +/. %mor: vinf|escala-INF=scale det:art|el&MASC&SG=the +/. *SMP: árbol . *C17: +, árbol y . %mor: n|árbol&MASC=tree conj|y=and . *C17: pers(eguir) [/] per(seguir) [//] perseguar [: perseguir] [*] (.) el mariposa y (.) . %mor: vinf|persegui-INF=pursue det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|mariposa&FEM=butterfly conj|y=and . *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: um to sit on the wall] . *SMP: [^ eng: what is he doing there do you think] ? *C17: [^ eng: sitting in the sun] . *SMP: [^ eng: right so to sit is] sentarse . *C17: sentarse en +/. %mor: vinf|senta-INF~pro:clit|3S&REFL=sit prep|en=in +/. *SMP: el sol . *C17: +, el sol . %mor: det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|sol&MASC=sun . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: al final [*] de día (.) y (.) . %mor: prep|a~det|el&MASC=to n|final&MASC=end prep|de=of n|día&MASC=day conj|y=and . %err: fainal = final *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: at three o'clock] . *SMP: a las tres . *C17: a las tres (.) um (.) +/. %mor: prep|a=to det:art|el&FEM-PL=the num|tres=three co|um +/. *C17: [^ eng: what's her name again] ? *SMP: Nati . *C17: +, Nati y Pancho volver y (.) um (.) +/. %mor: n:prop|Nati conj|y=and n:prop|Pancho vinf|volve-INF=turn conj|y=and co|um +/. *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: um [^ eng: to go home again] . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: to go is] ir . *C17: +, ir um +/. %mor: vinf|i-INF=go co|um +/. *SMP: casa . *C17: +, casa . %mor: n|casa&FEM=house . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: hasta que un día Pancho (.) +/. %mor: prep|hasta=until prep|que=than det:art|un&MASC=one n|día&MASC=day n:prop|Pancho +/. %com: [coughs and clears throat] *SMP: [^ eng: what happened] ? *C17: [^ eng: he went out] . *C17: +, he@s:pro salir gatero (.) to@s:adv asuastar [: asustar] [*] la (.) +/. %mor: L1|he vinf|sali-INF=leave n|gatero&MASC=cat_flap L1|to vinf|asusta-INF=frighten det:art|el&FEM&SG=the +/. *C17: [^ eng: what's the word for birds] ? *SMP: ah pájaro . *C17: +, ah pájaro@g y . %mor: co|ah imit|pájaro conj|y=and . *C17: euh (.) astar [: asustar] [*] y ratón [*] [//] ratón . %mor: co|euh vinf|asusta-INF=frighten conj|y=and n|rato-AUG&MASC=rat . %err: ration = ratón *C17: un ratón . %mor: det:art|un&MASC=one n|rato-AUG&MASC=rat . *SMP: y qué pasó ? *SMP: [^ eng: what happened after] ? *C17: um Pancho euh (.) encontar [: encontrar] [*] y (.) +/. %mor: co|um n:prop|Pancho co|euh vinf|encontra-INF=find conj|y=and +/. *C17: [^ eng: what's the word for dog] ? *SMP: perro . *C17: perro@g . %mor: imit|perro . *C17: +, y el perro ladrar Pancho . %mor: conj|y=and det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|perro-MASC=dog vinf|ladra-INF=bark n:prop|Pancho . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: and@s:conj y Pancho salir corriendo . %mor: L1|and conj|y=and n:prop|Pancho vinf|sali-INF=leave vger|corre-PROG=run . *SMP: corriendo . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: y Nati um um (.) tres y media um donde Pancho . %mor: conj|y=and n:prop|Nati co|um co|um num|tres=three conj|y=and n|media&FEM=stocking co|um rel|donde=where n:prop|Pancho . *C17: um (.) Nati buscar (.) +/. %mor: co|um n:prop|Nati vinf|busca-INF=search +/. *C17: [^ eng: what's the word for the garden] ? *SMP: jardín . *C17: +, the@s:a gardín@n +/. %mor: L1|the neo|gardín +/. *C17: um [^ eng: oh gosh] um . %mor: co|um co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: she looked in Pancho's bed] . *SMP: eh en la cama . *C17: +, en@g la@g cama@g +/. %mor: imit|en imit|la imit|cama +/. *SMP: de Pancho . *C17: +, de@g Pancho@g . %mor: imit|de imit|Pancho . *C17: um (.) um (.) [^ eng: how do you say she looked behind the sofa] ? %mor: co|um co|um ? *SMP: um [^ eng: to look is] mirar . *C17: mirar . %mor: vinf|mira-INF=look . *SMP: [^ eng: and then] detrás del sofá [^ eng: is behind the sofá] . *C17: detrás [*] . %mor: adv|detrás=behind . %err: delas = detrás *SMP: detrás . *C17: detrás@g +/. %mor: imit|detrás +/. *SMP: del sofá . *C17: +, del@g sofá@g . %mor: imit|del imit|sofá . *C17: okay@s:co . %mor: L1|okay . *C17: um (.) +/. %mor: co|um +/. *C17: shoot@s:a . %mor: L1|shoot . *C17: +, escalar el +/. %mor: vinf|escala-INF=scale det:art|el&MASC&SG=the +/. *SMP: árbol . *C17: árbol . %mor: n|árbol&MASC=tree . *C17: um [^ eng: and what's the word to ask] ? %mor: co|um ? *SMP: [^ eng: to ask is] preguntar . *SMP: [^ eng: that's to ask] . *C17: pregunta . %mor: n|pregunta&FEM=question . *C17: [^ eng: what was that again] ? *SMP: preguntar . *C17: preguntar@g um el rana . %mor: imit|preguntar co|um det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n|rana&FEM=frog . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: Nati (.) volver um (.) um . %mor: n:prop|Nati vinf|volve-INF=turn co|um co|um . *C17: [^ eng: I can't say them] ? *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: um [^ eng: I was going to say that she returned home] . %mor: co|um . *C17: [^ eng: and then that she's probably already home] . *SMP: [^ eng: to return is] volver . *SMP: [^ eng: what was she doing there] ? *C17: um [^ eng: to feed] . %mor: co|um . %com: [whispers] *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: um [^ eng: she fed Pancho thinking that she'd get him to come home] . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: okay so for example what do you want to say] ? *SMP: [^ eng: what was she doing there] ? *C17: um [^ eng: she was thinking he might be hungry] . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: to think is] ? *C17: [^ eng: to think oh gosh] . *SMP: pensar . *SMP: right@s:a ? *C17: pensar@g um el Pancho (.) is@s:v um +/. %mor: imit|pensar co|um det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n:prop|Pancho L1|is co|um +/. *SMP: hambriento . *SMP: [^ eng: that's hungry] . *C17: +, hambriento [*] . %mor: adj|hambriento-MASC=hungry . %err: hambriente = hambriento *SMP: [^ eng: what does she do then] ? *C17: (.) . %com: [whispers] *SMP: [^ eng: what word are you looking for] ? *C17: [^ eng: to feed] . *SMP: that's@s:v alimentar . *C17: alimentar@g um el Pancho +/. %mor: imit|alimentar co|um det:art|el&MASC&SG=the n:prop|Pancho +/. *SMP: okay@s:a . *C17: um [^ eng: but he didn't come back so it would be um] . %mor: co|um . *C17: [^ eng: should I say something about her being in the basket] ? *SMP: [^ eng: what is she doing there is she] ? *C17: [^ eng: she's waiting] . *SMP: [^ eng: okay so to wait is] esperar . *SMP: [^ eng: so what do you say that she did then] ? *C17: [^ eng: she waited for him to come home] . *SMP: en español ? *C17: +, Nati (.) +/. %mor: n:prop|Nati +/. *C17: [^ eng: I forgot the word to wait again] . *SMP: [^ eng: to wait is] esperar . *C17: +, Nati esperad y Pancho . %mor: n:prop|Nati vimp|espera-2P&IMP=wait conj|y=and n:prop|Pancho . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: um Pancho um (.) um mmm (.) . %mor: co|um n:prop|Pancho co|um co|um co|mmm . *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: at um three thirty] . *SMP: [^ eng: do you know how to say that] ? *C17: [^ eng: um is it] (.) ? *SMP: tres y media . *C17: tres@g y media@g . %mor: imit|tres conj|y=and imit|media . *C17: um (.) el tres y media Pancho +/. %mor: co|um det:art|el&MASC&SG=the num|tres=three conj|y=and n|media&FEM=stocking n:prop|Pancho +/. *C17: [^ eng: how what's the word to think or to thought] ? *SMP: [^ eng: to think is] pensar . *C17: pensar@g donde Nati . %mor: imit|pensar rel|donde=where n:prop|Nati . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: um . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: so what happened] ? *C17: [^ eng: it started to rain and so um] (.) . *SMP: [^ eng: to rain is] llover . *C17: um (.) [^ eng: what was the word to rain again] . %mor: co|um . *SMP: [^ eng: to rain it's] llover . *C17: llover@g um (.) . %mor: imit|llover co|um . *SMP: qué hizo Pancho ? *SMP: [^ eng: what did he do then] ? *C17: Pancho (.) volver um +/. %mor: n:prop|Pancho vinf|volve-INF=turn co|um +/. *SMP: a casa . *C17: +, a@g casa@g y (.) . %mor: imit|a imit|casa conj|y=and . *SMP: [^ eng: what are you trying to say] ? *C17: [^ eng: he found] . *SMP: [^ eng: to find is] encontrar . *C17: acontrar [: encontrar] [*] comer . %mor: vinf|encontra-INF=find vinf|come-INF=eat . *SMP: muy bien . *SMP: y . *C17: Nati +/. %mor: n:prop|Nati +/. *C17: [^ eng: what's the word to sleep] ? *SMP: ah dormir [^ eng: that's to sleep] . *C17: +, dormir [/] dormir y Pancho (.) cesta [*] [/] cesta [*] +/. %mor: vinf|dormi-INF=sleep conj|y=and n:prop|Pancho n|cesta&FEM=cradle +/. %err: questa = cesta *C17: [^ eng: is that his basket] ? *SMP: cesta . *SMP: muy bien . *C17: [^ eng: and is that it I think] . *SMP: okay@s:co . *SMP: muy bien . @End