@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: es @Participants: P15 Subject, COG Investigator @ID: es¦splloc¦P15¦¦female¦Year9¦¦Subject¦¦ @ID: es¦splloc¦COG¦¦female¦¦¦Investigator¦¦ @Date: 18-JUN-2007 @Location: H @Situation: Photo task @Coder: CSP @Time Duration: <00:05:05> *P15: [^ eng: this is photo task student number fifteen ] . *COG: [^ eng: we are in Name school today ] . *COG: [^ eng: is the eighteenth of June ] . *P15: ehm hamburguesa ehm [/] # ehm # . %mor: co|ehm n|hamburguesa&FEM=hamburger co|ehm . *COG: [^ eng: what do you see in these pictures ] ? *P15: [^ eng: a boy I can't remember what a boy is ] . *COG: a@s:det boy@s:d un niño ? *P15: ehm yeah@s:adv eh # eh . %mor: co|ehm L2|yeah co|eh co|eh . *COG: qué [/] qué hace el niño ? *P15: eh ehm . %mor: co|eh co|ehm . *COG: qué hace ? *P15: ehm # . %mor: co|ehm . *COG: [^ eng: what is he eating ] ? *P15: a@s:det hambu(rguesa) [/] hamburguesa . %mor: L2|a n|hamburguesa&FEM=hamburger . *COG: hamburguesa [^ eng: that's right and here ] ? *P15: ehm un eh fo(otball) [/] football ehm de # +... %mor: co|ehm det:art|un&MASC=one co|eh n|football co|ehm prep|de=of +... *COG: [^ eng: ehm they are playing football ] . *P15: what@s:pro ehm . %mor: L2|what co|ehm . *COG: [^ eng: how do you say that in Spanish do you remember ] ? *P15: [^ eng: can't remember ] . *COG: [^ eng: okay try with the the third one ] . *P15: eh un piscina eh [/] eh natación [/] natación [*] eh # # # . %mor: co|eh det:art|un&MASC=one n|piscina&FEM=swiming_pool co|eh [*] n|natación&FEM=swimming [*] co|eh . %err: nación = natación . *P15: [^ eng: I can't remember anything ] . *COG: [^ eng: okay that's fine ehm ] . *COG: [^ eng: do you want to ask me questions ] . *P15: okay@s:a ehm . %mor: L2|okay co|ehm . *COG: [^ eng: try to ask me questions in Spanish ] . *P15: [^ eng: okay ehm what sort of about the ] +... *COG: [^ eng: about them about the pictures ] . *P15: [^ eng: oh god # ] . *COG: [^ eng: do you remember how to ask ] ? *P15: [^ eng: oh not really ehm # ] . *COG: por ejemplo qué hacen los niños en esta foto ? *P15: ehm . %mor: co|ehm . *COG: qué piensas que hacen qué piensas ? *COG: qué están haciendo ? *COG: [^ eng: # can you remember no ] ? *P15: [^ eng: not really ] . *COG: [^ eng: [/] that's fine ] . @End